Monday 20 February 2012

Tortola 12/02/12

So yesterday we got on the ship at around 4 and had a wander! Seems nice!
We had our emergency drill at 8 which drags as ever but step dad got chatting to this guy who survived the holocaust! Amazing! His parents were both shot by the nazis but he went into hiding!
Anyway then was dinner at 830. Standard casual night. Our waiter is an indian guy called Charlie and he's so sweet!! He has this little smile and he's always so happy!! Hehe.
The people we are sat next to are nice too. 4 women from Canada.

So this morning we arrived in Tortola at around 8. We had a tour booked for today as we've never been here before and had heard there not actually that much to do on the island. So our tour was a boat trip to a near island called virgin gorda (which is right next to Richard branson's island necker!) boat trip was 45 mins
 then we got onto the island and went on this jeep style thing to 'the baths'
Not actual baths but this amaaaazimg beach with all these massive rocks.

Then we had to follow this trail through caves which had us on the floor crawling and then paddling through water. It was sooo cool! And at the end of the trail was devils bay- another amazing little secluded beach.

  The water was just incredible- so so clear and warm! Anyway I was swimming around in the water and then I spotted another little trail right at the back corner of the beach and feeling adventurous I decided to get out and follow it (all on my own mind you) sadly I have no pics as I didn't take a camera but this teeny trail led me over all these rocks and grasslands and I ended up on a tiny little private beach! Amazing! I kind of felt like someone out of Lost! (mental note to rewatch when I get home)
but we had to head back to the ship soon after that which was a shame. But as is everything I do in my life I now want to live there! (well, atleast I'm definitely going back to visit and I'm taking someone with me!)
Dinner last night was a formal night so after a quick nap got all dolled up ! Always fun looking at what everyone else is wearing too! We were all too tired to go see the show after though so just went to bed! I wanna go on a cruise with friends so we can properly make the most of all the bars and parties etc!!

L x

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