Monday 20 February 2012

Dominica 15/02/12

So today was cool. Went to Dominica which is a really green and hilly island. We had a tour booked which took us to these waterfalls and the emerald pool in the rainforest. Had to follow a few trails on a mini hike! Was nice to do something other than lay in the sun! The forest was amaaaazing too. Felt like something out of Lost again!

On the walk back up we ran into an English hiker. He was hiking from the north of the island to the south and we were the first people he'd seen in 10 days! He seemed so happy to speak to some English people!! So that was cool- I wanna go do something adventurous like that.
On our trip was these mega annoying Japanese tourists. And at one point I GENUINELY saw them do the 'Japanese tourist' camera pose! Hilarious!! (this is the pose if you don't know what I'm talking about)
I learnt loads about the caribbean today. Stuff about the native people etc. this is so naive and stupid but it had never properly clicked before to me that the black people aren't the indigenous people! I guess all of them are descended from slaves. The original 'Caribs' only live on one Caribbean island these days - a small corner of Dominica. They sound so interesting! I want to learn more.

Captain Michel!

I'm just chilling in the 'schooner bar' right now. Just been to see tonight's show, a south American musician/comedian/magician. It was surprisingly good and funny!! Dinner in 10 mins so gonna have a drink and then head on down!
Barrbbaaados tomorrow! Home of Rihanna! Not sure what we are doing but will write tomorrow

L x

Ps. Just got back from dinner. The waiters all did a little dance thing around the restaurant! Charlie was leader and he was getting dowwwwwn! He's so cute!! Then he came and gave us a napkin folding masterclass :)

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