Monday 20 February 2012

16/02/12 Barbados

So today was good. Arrived in Bridgetown this morning and had a wall around the town. Some interesting characters! Anyway then we found a taxi guy and he took us to a beach. It was a funny little place with all these guys coming round to check we have sunbeds umbrellas towels drinks etc and if we wanted to do waterspouts or have an aloe Vera massage! One guy even showed mum his lil stash of drugs cos he thought shed 'be up for fun' ! Too funny. One of the guys introduced himself to us. He said he was called spider- then he showed us the spider tattoo on his head!
We went out on a boat around lunch time. Snorkelled with so many massive turtles! They were in touching distance below us and were almost a metre in diameter! Amazing. Then the boat guy took us too a shipwreck to snorkel some more and there was tonnes of massive fish! So cool!
Dinner was quite funny-  the people we are seated next to. It's a girl and her best friend, and the girls mothers and aunt. They are so loud but absolutely hilarious!!
Tomorrows a day at sea so will be boring probably but at least I'll get a lie in for once

Roman Abramovich's beachfront crib!

looking good

L x

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