Monday 20 February 2012

17/02/12 somewhere in the Caribbean sea...

So I got the lie in I wanted but that meant I had to eat breakfast on my own cos the rest of the fam ate earlier. Chilling out on the deck on a sunbed right now. Listening to my iPod and playing games :) its half 12 at the mo and I'm already a tad bored :/ I prefer being active for sure..
Will write more later! ........
Dinner was funny! The people sat next to us are hilarious! And the girls tried to get me to go to the disco with them later but I wouldn't be able to drink anyway and had to pack so couldn't really. One of them - Laura snuck me some of her champagne though which was funny!

Was actually so sad saying goodbye to our waiters Charlie and Weekly! More than any other cruise we've been on cos they're both soo sweet! Our picture with them turned out really blurry though so we are hoping to see the other people at the airport tomorrow before they fly back to Canada so that we can ask them to email us their picture they took of us!
Gotta get up early tomorrow to get off the ship. Then for a fun day at the airport until our flight at 4! (not)

L x

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