Sunday 15 April 2012

I am LOVING Emile hirsch at the mo

I reckon he is to leonardo dicarprio what joseph gordon levitt is to heath ledger (similar/just as good) which is funny cos emile has been in a film with ledger and dicaprio was in inception with JG-L
Emile just seems like such a cool and interesting guy
First I saw him in into the wild which is of course an amazing film (any film which leaves me thinking about it for days after is amazing in my books). If you're reading this blog post and haven't seen into the wild you need to sort that out!!!

And this reminds me I need to read the book....
oh AMAZING soundtrack too. eddie vedder's THE MAN
And then I watched lords of Dogtown(this isn't all in a row btw). suchhhhh a good film. right up my street. im in love with santa monica anyway - whenever i go there i want to live there! and Venice is just wicked, but everyone knows that....... but 70s Cali - just can't get any cooler.
 not only am I now so interested in all these characters (its a true story) but again Emile Hirsch was standout!! And his character. Been researching Jay Adams and I really like him. He stuck to his guns and didn't sell out.
oh to be blonde and tannnnn! :(

 tony alva's a bit of a dude tooooo!
oh and heath ledgers insanely good in this film!!

so next Hirsch film i saw........ the girl next door - what a classic
then we've got alphadog with "Mr JT"

can't say i overly enjoyed the film but whatevs, emile's hot
then we have Milk
amaaazing gay rights film, about Harvey Milk. and check out emile in the top left ahha. nice glasses.

but yeh thats it realalalllyy i just think hes cool. and really my type.
if you're reading this emile - get in touch you wont regret it ;)


Monday 20 February 2012

17/02/12 somewhere in the Caribbean sea...

So I got the lie in I wanted but that meant I had to eat breakfast on my own cos the rest of the fam ate earlier. Chilling out on the deck on a sunbed right now. Listening to my iPod and playing games :) its half 12 at the mo and I'm already a tad bored :/ I prefer being active for sure..
Will write more later! ........
Dinner was funny! The people sat next to us are hilarious! And the girls tried to get me to go to the disco with them later but I wouldn't be able to drink anyway and had to pack so couldn't really. One of them - Laura snuck me some of her champagne though which was funny!

Was actually so sad saying goodbye to our waiters Charlie and Weekly! More than any other cruise we've been on cos they're both soo sweet! Our picture with them turned out really blurry though so we are hoping to see the other people at the airport tomorrow before they fly back to Canada so that we can ask them to email us their picture they took of us!
Gotta get up early tomorrow to get off the ship. Then for a fun day at the airport until our flight at 4! (not)

L x

16/02/12 Barbados

So today was good. Arrived in Bridgetown this morning and had a wall around the town. Some interesting characters! Anyway then we found a taxi guy and he took us to a beach. It was a funny little place with all these guys coming round to check we have sunbeds umbrellas towels drinks etc and if we wanted to do waterspouts or have an aloe Vera massage! One guy even showed mum his lil stash of drugs cos he thought shed 'be up for fun' ! Too funny. One of the guys introduced himself to us. He said he was called spider- then he showed us the spider tattoo on his head!
We went out on a boat around lunch time. Snorkelled with so many massive turtles! They were in touching distance below us and were almost a metre in diameter! Amazing. Then the boat guy took us too a shipwreck to snorkel some more and there was tonnes of massive fish! So cool!
Dinner was quite funny-  the people we are seated next to. It's a girl and her best friend, and the girls mothers and aunt. They are so loud but absolutely hilarious!!
Tomorrows a day at sea so will be boring probably but at least I'll get a lie in for once

Roman Abramovich's beachfront crib!

looking good

L x

Dominica 15/02/12

So today was cool. Went to Dominica which is a really green and hilly island. We had a tour booked which took us to these waterfalls and the emerald pool in the rainforest. Had to follow a few trails on a mini hike! Was nice to do something other than lay in the sun! The forest was amaaaazing too. Felt like something out of Lost again!

On the walk back up we ran into an English hiker. He was hiking from the north of the island to the south and we were the first people he'd seen in 10 days! He seemed so happy to speak to some English people!! So that was cool- I wanna go do something adventurous like that.
On our trip was these mega annoying Japanese tourists. And at one point I GENUINELY saw them do the 'Japanese tourist' camera pose! Hilarious!! (this is the pose if you don't know what I'm talking about)
I learnt loads about the caribbean today. Stuff about the native people etc. this is so naive and stupid but it had never properly clicked before to me that the black people aren't the indigenous people! I guess all of them are descended from slaves. The original 'Caribs' only live on one Caribbean island these days - a small corner of Dominica. They sound so interesting! I want to learn more.

Captain Michel!

I'm just chilling in the 'schooner bar' right now. Just been to see tonight's show, a south American musician/comedian/magician. It was surprisingly good and funny!! Dinner in 10 mins so gonna have a drink and then head on down!
Barrbbaaados tomorrow! Home of Rihanna! Not sure what we are doing but will write tomorrow

L x

Ps. Just got back from dinner. The waiters all did a little dance thing around the restaurant! Charlie was leader and he was getting dowwwwwn! He's so cute!! Then he came and gave us a napkin folding masterclass :)

St Kitts 14/02/12

We got off the ship and searched for someone to take us to the beach. We got an offer we couldnt refuse from this rasta dude (4$ each) so we hopped into his van which was an adventure! He was blaring out the reggae and these tyres had NO grip. Completely flat! Scary journey but fun. 
Then we just chilled at a beach for the day- was nice!
And that's it really....

L x

St Martin 13/02/12

 So today we arrived in st Martin/sint Maarten (tis half French half dutch) no trip booked today as we've already been here before so had a vague idea of what to do. We stayed on the Dutch side last time though so decided to venture to the French side this time.
We got on a lil minibus taxi thing with two other groups (2 elderly british coupless together from another ship and 2 other American couples from our ship)
So we all were chatting away and the American lady said that they were from las Vegas and that she and the other lady were prison officers!! And their husbands were both on the police swat teams! Soooo cool! Apparently there's like 2 murders a day in Vegas -you wouldn't think it!
So anyway we got dropped at marigot where we browsed the market stalls etcetc...!
 Then we went to orient beach which was lusshhhh. Really packed with people but loads of cool beach bars and stuff and the water was gorgeous.
We just went to go see a show before dinner and it was a tribute to the temptations. Boring! Anyway I'm starrving and gona go wait for dinner now- I'm currently sat on the outside of deck 5 and it's hotter outside than in!! (btw I totally did a titanic earlier- stood right at the front of the ship. Sadly no Leonardo dicaprio there with his arms around me though!)

Tomorrow is St Kitts. Never been before and no idea what to expect! Woooop!

L x

Tortola 12/02/12

So yesterday we got on the ship at around 4 and had a wander! Seems nice!
We had our emergency drill at 8 which drags as ever but step dad got chatting to this guy who survived the holocaust! Amazing! His parents were both shot by the nazis but he went into hiding!
Anyway then was dinner at 830. Standard casual night. Our waiter is an indian guy called Charlie and he's so sweet!! He has this little smile and he's always so happy!! Hehe.
The people we are sat next to are nice too. 4 women from Canada.

So this morning we arrived in Tortola at around 8. We had a tour booked for today as we've never been here before and had heard there not actually that much to do on the island. So our tour was a boat trip to a near island called virgin gorda (which is right next to Richard branson's island necker!) boat trip was 45 mins
 then we got onto the island and went on this jeep style thing to 'the baths'
Not actual baths but this amaaaazimg beach with all these massive rocks.

Then we had to follow this trail through caves which had us on the floor crawling and then paddling through water. It was sooo cool! And at the end of the trail was devils bay- another amazing little secluded beach.

  The water was just incredible- so so clear and warm! Anyway I was swimming around in the water and then I spotted another little trail right at the back corner of the beach and feeling adventurous I decided to get out and follow it (all on my own mind you) sadly I have no pics as I didn't take a camera but this teeny trail led me over all these rocks and grasslands and I ended up on a tiny little private beach! Amazing! I kind of felt like someone out of Lost! (mental note to rewatch when I get home)
but we had to head back to the ship soon after that which was a shame. But as is everything I do in my life I now want to live there! (well, atleast I'm definitely going back to visit and I'm taking someone with me!)
Dinner last night was a formal night so after a quick nap got all dolled up ! Always fun looking at what everyone else is wearing too! We were all too tired to go see the show after though so just went to bed! I wanna go on a cruise with friends so we can properly make the most of all the bars and parties etc!!

L x